HyperStudio GS 8-bit Mono Audio Digitizer

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Here is usually the thumbnail code for the page's pic. I'll have to check for one online. I'm sure there are some we can reuse. If not we can work on reusing one of you pics or I can add one when I get stock produced and I can take a pic in my camera box.

This is usually the introduction and some brief text about the item.

This Is A Header Code

You can it "History" for example and add in what you know about the project.


I'll link to the video here. We can change the header to be whatever is the best name.

KFEST 2017: Roger Wagner Keynote

Starts about 41:54 in.

Prototype constructed by David Klimas:


Discussion thread on Apple II Enthusiasts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5251478676/permalink/10154899482948677/

Kit Assembly

I usually have a section like this for users to read about the basics of the parts or any pitfalls to look out for. I mostly just copy from other pages since the code is already done and pics already uploaded.


We can upload the software or test files and link from there. I reuse code for icons and just change the paths as needed. You should get the basic idea of how things work now. Steal code from other pages if want. "Edit" button if your friend. And remember, the current config I have between my servers can mean a file upload might take up to an hour to propagate and become active. Working on that also.