No Slot Clock
The Manila Gear No Slot Clock was released in May 2017.
The No Slot Clock lets your Apple II remember the date and time. It will work on an Apple II, Apple II+, Apple IIe or Apple IIc and features dual break-off battery holders so you can install it however you like.
You can order the NSC in one of three pre-configured versions, based on where you plan to use it:
v1.1 is available for pre-order in May 2017.
The PCB design allows for manufacturing flexibility. The crystal can be cylinder or square type. The CR2032 Battery Holder can be the minimalistic low profile metal clip or the round plastic type. Through-hole pins are available to wire the break-off battery holder to the main board.
NSC v1.0
When installing on a IIc, the height of the No Slot Clock will interfere with the IIc 1Meg RAM Card. One workaround is to remove the regular socket on the bottom of the No Slot Clock. However, this will introduce socket stretch.