Manila Gear
Manila Gear was founded in April 2016. It's a collaborative effort between Jon Christopher Co and John Valdezco, both long time Apple ][ users and developers. Their website is located at
Jon has been a hardware hacker for the past twenty years and maintains a blog at John advises Silicon Valley startups, and has a degree in Electrical Engineering. Both Jon and John attended Philippine Science High School, and have been working together on cool stuff since then.
- Masterminds Behind Manila Gear
Jon Christopher Co
John Valdezco
4soniq - A four-channel sound card for the Apple IIgs
2soniq - A stereo sound card for the Apple IIgs
Apple IIGS VGA Adapter - An RGB-to-VGA adapter for the Apple IIgs
No Slot Clock - A no slot clock for the Apple II, II+, IIe, or IIc.
The Name: Manila Gear
Manila Gear was the name of the first startup John founded when he was still living in Manila, Philippines. That company closed shop when John moved to the US, but the name has been resurrected for this new venture with Jon.
1989 Jon graduates from Philippine Science High School
1990 John graduates from Philippine Science High School
1995 Jon gets his Applied Physics degree
1996 John gets his E.E. degree
2015 Jon and John get back in touch. John buys his very first Apple IIGS.
2016 Manila Gear is born!
Collaborative Efforts With ReActiveMicro
In February 2017 John Valdezco of Manila Gear contacted Henry S. Courbis of ReActiveMicro about helping bring their projects to the Apple II Community. John was planning to have less hobby time available in 2017 but also wanted to continue to offer Manila Gear's lineup of items for sale. ReActiveMicro was Manila Gear's first choice since they are the most experienced and longest lived Apple II hardware vendor currently Active in the Apple II Community.
Since April 2017 ReActiveMicro has been selling and supporting all the great items available from Manila Gear.