Talk:ProDev DDT
Please post your support questions here and ReActiveMicro or someone from the Community will be glad to assist you!
Parts list and locations
C1 10 25v small green bulb
C6 471 flat brown
C14 *7501 brown bulb
C16 & C18 221 flat brown x2
C19 22uf 50v electrolytic can
All other C positions: 104 tantalum cap x12
R4 & R10 Brown Black Brown 100 ohms x2
R9 Brown Black Red 1k
All other R positions: Brown Black Orange 10k x7
1) I received a larger green capacitor with markings 2A104J but I have no idea where it should go as I don't see this in the photo. Is this really part of the kit? If so, where does it go?
2) Please confirm where these capacitors should be located as the photo is not clear:
C1: 10 25v small green bulb
C14: *7501 brown bulb
3) The photo shows transistor, but I did not receive one in my kit. What is the part number of this?
4) WRT the socket at B1. Is the top left pin, connected to second pin by a trace on the back of the board?
>Henry from RM: 1 - 2A104J would be a 104 / .1uf / 100nf cap. Checking my kits I don't see any parts like that. I wonder if this is from an older kit? 2 - C1 bottom left corner of the PCB, below LS09, 10uF. C14 is top right, above DDT2, 1uF. 3 - Odd. Checking a kit and I see Q1 in it. Sorry about this issue. PN: 2N3904. Let me know if you need to order one and the cost and I can refund that to you. 4 - The LS109, and correct. It looks like Pin15-16 are connected. Hope this helps!