Talk:TransWarp GS

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Revision as of 04:27, 14 January 2020 by Roughana (talk | contribs)
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Please post your support questions here and ReActiveMicro or someone from the Community will be glad to assist you!

Step 3 summary contains "replace 10uF electrolytic capacitors (four units)" but there is no further mention of this (why/where). I've never replaced mine. I suggest that this part of Step 3 is split out into a later step and given further elaboration.

Can I mention competitors products? The ByteBoosters 32k cache is not recommended from my testing with stock PSU. As I understand it, they did their testing with 5.25V. It doesn't work for me at all in a ROM3 and the top cpu speed I can achieve with it in a ROM 1 is less than the other 32k options (including a home made 8->32 upgrade).