The MicroDrive/Turbo IDE Controller is a Mass Storage Device that is used with the Apple IIgs or Enhanced IIe. It emulates a Hard Drive using solid-state Compact Flash Cards.
MicroDrive/Turbo is currently sold by ReActiveMicro. They sell it with a preloaded 256 MB Compact Flash Card to enable new users to start using the MicroDrive/Turbo right out of the box. Software included is GS/OS v6.0.1, IIgs Memory Testers, ShrinkIt (8 and 16 bit), Copy II+, MicroDrive Utilities, DiskMaker8, DSK2File, DOS.MASTER and different AE Memory Testers for your IIe. Everything needed to start transferring and unpacking software from the Internet, and start using your Apple II once again.
Project Status: Complete. In production. Actively sold by ReActiveMicro.
Support: Post on the Discussion page (link above) or email ReActiveMicro Support.
The MicroDrive/Turbo was designed by Joachim Lange of ///SHH Systeme and released in 1996. This was the first Apple II IDE Controller that used DMA.
In 2004 Gerber Street Enterprises started reselling select items from ///SHH Systeme, however the offering was only a couple items and stock was very limited.
Mid-2006 ReActiveMicro took over reselling all ///SHH Systeme items in an effort to provide better service and a larger product variety to the Apple II Community.
DMA: Looking to speed up your sluggish Apple II? The MicroDrive/Turbo is faster that any other Mass Storage controller since it uses DMA for reads and writes. As the name implies, it performs Direct Memory Access which bypasses the CPU and allows for a whopping 40% faster read and write speeds when compared to conventional controllers. For example, with an accelerator installed in your IIgs you can boot GS/OS in as fast as 7 seconds! The DMA option can be disabled using the Setup utility.
40 Pin IDE Interface: The 40 Pin IDE interface on the MicroDrive/Turbo IDE is a standard 16bit IDE port. It is capable of addressing Master and Slave IDs on the IDE chain.
IDE to Dual CF Adapter: The MicroDrive/Turbo comes standard with a 40 Pin IDE to Dual CF Adapter. Users can control which of the two CF Slots is Master or Slave using a Jumper on the Adapter. The Adapter however can be removed if so desired and a standard IDE Cable and devices attached.
Compact Flash: Why use Compact Flash Cards? They are readily available, inexpensive, low power, noiseless, shock proof, removable, and last almost forever - things that can't be said about mechanical Hard Drives. However, it is still possible to use some older IDE Hard Drives with the MicroDrive/Turbo Controller if desired. Do you download software from the Internet and wonder how to get it to your Apple II or spend lots of time doing so? With the MicroDrive/Turbo it's now super easy! Just remove the Compact Flash Card from your MicroDrive/Turbo, insert it in to your PC and using CiderPress (Windows only) you can read and write directly to the Compact Flash Card. Using your PC for transferring files and backing up has never been so quick and painless!
ProDOS 8 and 16: The MicroDrive/Turbo is ProDOS compatible. It's recognized as a 'standard' Mass Storage Device just like any Hard Disk Drive on your Apple II. Large Volume DOS 3.3 support is provided through the use of a program called DOS.MASTER (preloaded on CF Card).
Boot Options: By default, Volume 1 is set to boot. However when setting up a new CF Card the user sets which Volume they desire to boot. Or on an existing CF Card the Setup utility can modify the default boot Volume. However the MicroDrive/Turbo also offers a temporary option to boot to ANY volume. When powering on the Apple II the user will press and hold the Open Apple key. This will pause the MicroDrive/Turbo's splash screen. The user then presses the corresponding Volume's number key, and the MicroDrive/Turbo will boot to that Volume.
Installation: The MicroDrive/Turbo comes persetup. Just install in any Slot. We however recommend Slot 7 if possible since you will most likely want to boot from the MicroDrive/Turbo much more often then your Floppies. And when you want to boot to a Floppy:
- Hold down the Open Apple key when powering on the Apple II. This will pause the MicroDrive/Turbo's splash screen.
- Lastly press the corresponding Volume's number key, and the MicroDrive/Turbo will boot to that Volume.
Note: IIgs users may need to make a change to Slot settings in the Control Panel. To access the Control Panel first boot the IIgs. Then press and hold the Open Apple key, Control key, and then press the ESC key.
Setup Utility: Be sure to backup the MicroDrive/Turbo Setup utility to floppy! This disk will be for backup purposes or if you need to setup a new CF Card.
- Upon booting the MicroDrive/Turbo you will be taken to Volume 1 which holds the ProDOS 8 utilities.
- You will see folder named "SHRINK.IT". Using the arrow keys highlight the folder and press Enter.
- You will now see a file called "SHRINK.IT.V3.4". Press Enter to execute it.
- Press the letter "O" to open an archive. The "MICRODRV.IIE.S1" is for 5.25” disk, and "MICRODRV.TURBO" is for 3.5” disk. Select one and press Enter twice.
- Next select the Drive on which to write.
- When done be sure to boot the disk and run the Setup utility to make sure it restored correctly.
- Repeat the above process if needed.
- Done!
Note: If you require a Setup utility disk be mailed to you, there will be a charge. Please email ReActiveMicro Support for details and pricing.
Check The DMA Setting: It is advised to check the DMA setting in the Setup utility to make sure it is set correctly. Usually there isn't any issue, however you can experience data corruption or loss if the setting is not correct.
- Upon booting the MicroDrive/Turbo you will be taken to Volume 1 which holds the ProDOS 8 utilities.
- You will see folder named "MICRODRIVE". Using the arrow keys highlight the folder and press Enter.
- You will now see a file called "MICRODRV.SETUP". Press Enter to execute it.
- Press the letter "D" to select "DMA Mode". If it's set currently to your Apple II, then you are finished. If not, then continue to the next step.
- Press Enter to change the setting. For IIe users select "Enable".
- Press the letter "W" to select "Write Configuration".
- Press Enter, then the letter "W" to save the new configuration.
- Done!
Note: Set DMA Mode to "Disable" to see how much slower your system would be using a non-DAM Mass Storage Device.