The DClock project was started by James Littlejohn of 8bitsystem.com around the beginning of 2008. On February 2008 A2Central.com posted an announcement from James that he was working on the DClock project. http://a2central.com/1462/littlejohn-systems-reveals-new-products-hints-at-others/
James consulted with Henry of ReActiveMicro about the project in early 2008. Earlier, James obtained a DClock board and was going to clone it and sell them through the ReActiveMicro Store as he had done with all his other projects. Since ReActiveMicro buys ICs in bulk, James asked if Henry could source the DS1215 Clock IC used on the DClock. Henry managed to find a deal on 50 units in SOIC form which he purchased and sent to James on April 22nd, 2008.
When they had previously spoken, James didn't seem to have an issue with updating the old DClock design to use an SOIC.